Monday, November 22, 2010


We set the alarm for 4.30 am but in reality I am awake at 2.30 am.  We fly to Tampa and  arrive at Terry's mom's place in time for lunch.   She has some delicious soup ready for us.
Our first stop in the afternoon is to visit Lokey KIA dealership.  Terry's mom is looking for a new car and is interested in a "KIA" 
She test drives a couple of models and decides on a red "Forte"

                                     AT THE LOKEY KIA DEALERSHIP

                                   MADGE PHANG IN HER NEW FORTE

Next, for Madge Phang, is a visit to the AT & T store to look at an IPad.  
She may be the coolest Grandma in Florida.

                         GRANDMA AND HER IPAD

For supper this evening we head to Indian Rocks Beach  and go to a restaurant called "PJ's"

                                              PJ'S AT INDIAN ROCK BEACH

                                              FUNNY GUYS OUTSIDE PJ'S

After supper we head home where Terry gives his mom an IPad lesson.

SATURDAY - we are up and back to the KIA dealership to pick up the car.  Terry finds what he would like for Christmas.

                              CHRISTMAS PRESENT FOR TERRY MAYBE?????

OK - so I am just kidding - but I had to take a picture.

We attend Mass at 4 pm at St. Justin Martyr in Seminole, Florida                              

                                        OUTSIDE ST. JUSTIN MARTYR

                                         INSIDE ST. JUSTIN MARTYR

We head back to Indian Rocks beach to catch the sunset.  The sunsets in Florida are beautiful

                                          FLORIDA SUNSET

                                                   FLORIDA SUNSET

                                        TERRY AND HIS MOM

We have supper tonight at a place called "Keegans" just  further up the road from PJ's.
We head home and continue with the IPad lessons.
Off to bed for a good night's sleep.  No honking of horns, which is constant in NYC,  but I do hear 3 emergency vehicles.
Anyway, until tomorrow

SUNDAY - Terry's mom has a neighbor who lives across the way from her.  She calls him Georgie Porgie.  He is very helpful to her and looks after her home when she is in Minnesota.  He comes for a visit.  He had been shopping for new clothes and comes to show us.  He looks very dapper.

                                                  GEORGIE AND MADGE

  Terry's mom drives her new car to the gas station and we fill it up before we head back to the Lokey KIA dealership.  We have some papers we need to hand in.  She looks so good in this car and it fits her so well.  I think she is going to love it.
We drive to a fishing village called Tarpon Springs.  There are lots of Greek restaurants and bakeries here.  The village is 100 years old.  It is beautiful.

                                        TARPON SPRINGS

We have lunch at a Greek restaurant called "Hellas" before heading home to pack up.
We leave for the airport at 3.30 pm for a flight back to New York City.
It was a lovely weekend.

Talk to you soon.

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