Friday, August 27, 2010


So here we are at the end of the week.  Terry went into the hospital for a meeting this morning.  I cleaned out some cupboard. I decided I wanted to use my own dishes,  cutlery, glasses etc so I packed away the things that were here and got the cupboards the way I wanted them.  I washed my new towels but ran out of quarters for the machines so only got the towels done.  I need to go to the bank and "buy" some quarters.
Terry returned quite early, he got changed and went out for a run.  We were waiting to hear from Hannah as we thought we might try and get together today.  When it got to 12.30 pm we sent her a text telling her we were off to Union Square. We know Union Square quite well as we have spent lots of time there on our previous trips to NYC. It is not too far from Hannah's.  Hannah did, in fact, come to meet us there.
So - here is the question... Hannah, Terry and Maggie are shopping in Union Square in Manhattan, who comes home with new shoes?  No brainer eh - it must be Hannah - WRONG... Mr. Terry gets a new pair of MTB runners - they look like those new Sketchers, you know, the rocking ones. They apparently do amazing things for you. They look a little strange. When I figure out how to put photos on this blog I will post a photo of the shoes.  He hopes to be able to run wearing them as he needs to run on concrete.
Anyway, after the shoes we take Hannah for some lunch at "Au Bon Pain", she is not feeling well, think she has a cold.  Interesting to note - we go to the drug store to buy her some Advil cold tablets. You cannot buy them over the counter!!!! I know!!! - we have to go to the Pharmacist where she asks for my ID (I reckon she knows I am over 21) she writes down my name address and number from my BC drivers license - can you believe it.... you can buy Tylenol cold but not Advil cold - go figure.
Anyway, we take the subway over to Hannah's and take her grocery shopping at "Whole Foods" We get them back to her apartment and climb the 4 flights of stairs up to her apartment - whew
We then go to the bank and deposit some cheques into Hannah's account.  We say goodbye, Hannah goes home and Terry and I take the bus up 1st Avenue and go grocery shopping for ourselves.
For supper tonight we just have some hummus and bruchetta (home made) and of course some wine. We check out our roof top deck and then collapse on the sofa.
I did "Skype" with Roision and hope to with Jonathan later this evening.
We are still trying to communicate with Hannah's leasing company - Linda - our contact - never answers her phone or returns messages. Business is so inefficient here, anyway, I think I will head off to the Management company on Monday and see what we can do.  I will let yo know what happens.
Love to all.
Talk to you tomorrow - night night.......

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